Experience your design with Integrated Modeling and Simulation

Learn why ‘MODSIM’ transforms product development

Simulation Is Design

Computer-aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) technology evolved separately over decades. Because of legacy processes, design and simulation continue to be employed sequentially as discrete tasks. Isn’t it time to fully leverage simulation? Remove inefficient handoffs that occur too late in design between designers and simulation experts. Specialized simulation tools don't support integrated design and simulation.

Integrated design and simulation, also known as 'MODSIM', provides design and analysis engineers the advantage of experiencing their design. MODSIM integrates complete CATIA and SIMULIA technologies (including Abaqus) together on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to provide a common user interface and data model for modeling and simulation. By applying simulation to the earliest phase of design it’s possible to accurately predict, compare and simulate multiple product behaviors. Insight into product performance is essential to delivering high quality products that meet requirements. And, MODSIM shortens product development cycles by minimizing extensive physical prototyping and testing.

MODSIM represents the future of engineering because it will become pervasive across industry. This is transformational.

Byron Pipes > Speaker>  Dassault Systèmes
Dr. Byron PIPES
Executive Director Indiana Manufacturing Institute at Purdue University

Why do companies value integrated modeling and simulation?

Read the ebook, "Experience Your Design the what, why and how of MODSIM for developing better products, faster"

Product Design at a Breaking Point

With increasing product complexity, geographically dispersed teams, incompatible tools, and other product development challenges product design nears a breaking point. Companies using a digital transformation strategy to address this complexity should exploit a sweet spot, found in the earliest product development stages. Improving product development using MODSIM shifts analysis and validation costs to the early design phase which results in reduced costs in the later phases of a program. 

Bringing designers and analysts together from the early concept phase fosters innovation and minimizes late discovery of errors. Plus, early analysis with design lowers costs and the risk of developing sub-optimal products to ensure on-time product launches.

Integrated Modeling and Simulation

Eliminate late discoveries in product development and remove old school rules for designers and analysts.

Integrated Modeling and Finite Element Analysis

Whether solving routine or sophisticated engineering problems, integrated modeling and simulation—including technologies like Finite Element Analysis (FEA)—offers seamless collaboration and data sharing using approved methods, results, and more, without loss of information fidelity. Using a common model data structure and integrated best-in-class solver technologies supports consolidation of processes and tools. This simplification results in lower costs and less risk. Removing inefficiency with MODSIM supports innovation and increases your competitive advantage. 

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