CATIA V5-6R repousse les limites de l'excellence en matière de conception

Avec cette version, les avantages des fonctionnalités de la plate-forme 3DEXPERIENCE deviennent accessibles dans une collaboration fluide avec V5-6R.


Les fonctionnalités de collaboration sociale, de gestion d'entreprise et de tableaux de bord de la plate-forme 3DEXPERIENCE peuvent être utilisées pour prendre en charge les processus à l'aide de l'ensemble d'outils V5-6R.

DELMIA- Standard Time Measurement WF 2 (SWF)
DELMIA Standard Time Measurement WF provides tools to perform Ready Workfactor time analysis as defined by the Wofac corporation.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

DELMIA Standard Time Measurement WF provides tools to perform Ready Workfactor time analysis. Ready Workfactor is a time analysis system defined by the Wofac corporation to define time required for a process. The process is split into steps which require a predefined amount of time: grasp, pickup, assemble, or release. Body members are regarded distinct and separate from each other: hand, arm, trunk, foot, leg.

Product Highlights

  • Quick and efficient create, edit, delete time analysis of type Ready Workfactor (RWF)
  • Data card for Ready Workfactor (RWF)

Product Key Customer Benefits

DELMIA Standard Time Measurement WF provides tools to perform Ready Workfactor time analysis as defined by the Wofac corporation.