CATIA V5-6R repousse les limites de l'excellence en matière de conception

Avec cette version, les avantages des fonctionnalités de la plate-forme 3DEXPERIENCE deviennent accessibles dans une collaboration fluide avec V5-6R.


Les fonctionnalités de collaboration sociale, de gestion d'entreprise et de tableaux de bord de la plate-forme 3DEXPERIENCE peuvent être utilisées pour prendre en charge les processus à l'aide de l'ensemble d'outils V5-6R.

DELMIA Wireframe & Surface 1 (MWS)
Create in-context wireframe construction elements and basic surfaces.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

DELMIA - Wireframe & Surface 1 (MWS) is used to create wireframe construction elements during the preliminary design phase. It can also enrich existing 3D mechanical part design with wireframe and basic surface features. Its feature-based approach contributes to a productive and intuitive design environment where design methodologies and specifications can be captured and reused.

Product Highlights

  • Essential 3D geometric features to create wireframes and shapes
  • Wireframe and Surface Structure Editor facilitates the capture of design intent and speeds up design changes
  • Associative design in context allows concurrent work with user controlled associativity
  • Timesaving management of design modifications
  • Flexible post-design 3D parameterization

Product Key Customer Benefits

Elements and Features... Wireframe elements include point (by coordinates, on plane, on curve), line (point-to-point, point-direction, normal to), plane (offset, angle, through 3 points, through line and point, offset through point), and curves (splines 3D for instance).

Structure Editor... The Wireframe and Surface Structure Editor facilitates the capture of design intent and speeds up design changes. Features include cut, copy, paste, drag and drop, edit, zoom, pan, vertical and horizontal modes.

Associative... Design in context allows concurrent work with user control of associativity. The wireframe and surface can be designed using the part or assembly context. When design changes are made, the user controls the propagation of modifications. The designer can reuse an existing surface, and link in additional parts to support concurrent engineering (similar to CATIA V4's Multi Model capabilities).

Timesaving Features... CATIA Wireframe and Surface 1 includes features for the management of design modifications.
The product provides the capability to isolate the geometry without its history, so it can be dynamically deformed with the FreeStyle applications.

Flexible post-design ... Post-design 3D parameterization can be performed during or following the design, by adding 3D constraints across features. Under-constrained designs are allowed and over-constrained designs are possible. In such cases, CATIA will alert the user, asking which constraint to remove. A built-in assistant helps the user through the creation and modification of wireframe elements (snap on geometry).