CATIA V5-6R repousse les limites de l'excellence en matière de conception

Avec cette version, les avantages des fonctionnalités de la plate-forme 3DEXPERIENCE deviennent accessibles dans une collaboration fluide avec V5-6R.


Les fonctionnalités de collaboration sociale, de gestion d'entreprise et de tableaux de bord de la plate-forme 3DEXPERIENCE peuvent être utilisées pour prendre en charge les processus à l'aide de l'ensemble d'outils V5-6R.

DELMIA Automation CLM Control Setup 1 (LT1)
DELMIA Automation - CLM Control Setup provides the capability to download the controls program created/edited using LCM Studio to a PLC in the native PLC language, then execute and debug the PLC program on the real PLC from virtual PLC.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

DELMIA Automation - CLM Control Setup is an Add-On product to LCM Studio that allows the user to connect to a PLC and download the controls program (logic) to the PLC in the native language of the PLC.The user may then execute and debug the PLC program on the real PLC from LCM Studio/Control Setup. This is accomplished via a link to PLC Setup, a CAA interface created by the PLC manufacturer using the Automation CAA tool kit for each specific PLC.

CLM Control Setup provides Dassault Systemes CAA Partners with the CAA APIs necessary to develop their PLC Setup (one per PLC provider/type) that provides the capability of downloading the PLC program developed with LCM Studio to the real PLC.

CLM Control Setup allows the user to:
  • Compile to the PLC native code and transfer to the real PLC.
  • Shorten support time for new PLC hardware.
  • Optional on the DELMIA Automation V5 desktop so control and maintenance engineers can download, run, stop, and debug within the same environment.

Product Highlights

  • CAA APIs that allow the DELMIA Automation CAA BP to create and maintain the PLC Setup program
  • Capability to link to the PLC via PLC Setup for downloading the controls logic to the PLC
  • Specify the mapping of the I/O between the virtual and physical PLC
  • The capability to start and stop the PLC program and debug the PLC program.
  • PLC logic Debug Capabilities via an OPC connection viewing SFC chart activity, I/O activity, etc.

Product Key Customer Benefits

  • Shortens support time for new PLC hardware.
  • Capability to take the work done by controls engineers using DELMIA Automation tools (i.e. LCM Studio and Controlled Systems Simulator) and download the validated controls programs to the PLC.
  • The ability to validate that the "converted logic (from DELMIA Automation to the specific PLC native language) is accurate and the behavior is correct.
  • Provides the user with the capability to implement controls logic validated in the virtual world in the physical world.

This publication is for general guidance only. For the most current and accurate information, please refer to the product announcement letters.