CATIA V5-6R repousse les limites de l'excellence en matière de conception

Avec cette version, les avantages des fonctionnalités de la plate-forme 3DEXPERIENCE deviennent accessibles dans une collaboration fluide avec V5-6R.


Les fonctionnalités de collaboration sociale, de gestion d'entreprise et de tableaux de bord de la plate-forme 3DEXPERIENCE peuvent être utilisées pour prendre en charge les processus à l'aide de l'ensemble d'outils V5-6R.

ENOVIA 3d com VPM Session Builder (V3S)
ENOVIA 3d com VPM Session Builder allows customers to build a CATIA (V4 or V5) working session from data stored in ENOVIA VPM V4.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

ENOVIA 3d com VPM Session Builder displays the CGR representation of the product structure navigator opened in VPM V4 and allow users to select document/model (such as volume query or manual selection) to be loaded in a CATIA session.

Product Highlights

ENOVIA 3d com VPM Session Builder enhances productivity and promotes improved innovation and collaboration by giving users the ability to select CGR representations interactively to build a working environment in the CATIA.

Users can send representations from VPM V4 to ENOVIA 3d com VPM Session Builder through the product structure navigator. Then, the user can reduce the scope of representations that will be loaded in CATIA by selecting specified representations interactively.

Product Key Customer Benefits

With ENOVIA 3d com VPM Session Builder, user productivity and efficiency is enhanced by reducing the number of objects that need to be loaded when starting a CATIA authoring session.