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CATIA ICEM Shape Design Expert (IEX)
Provide advanced Class-A Surface modeling and analysis tools to help create aesthetic and ergonomic shapes to the highest surface quality.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

CATIA ICEM Shape Design Expert (IEX) offers an extended tool set which complements the ISD Center (ICM) product. This add-on module enables the creation and modeling of aesthetic and ergonomic shapes using advanced global surface modeling and shape modeling capabilities. In addition this product provides specialized Class A and dedicated Industry specific functionality such as Advanced filleting, Tri-Tangent filleting, Create Gap, Accelerated surfaces, Feature Modeling.

Product Highlights

  • Advanced Surface Creation tools
  • Global Modeling tools
  • Feature modeling
  • Advanced Filleting tools
  • Industry designed features
  • Advanced geometry analysis capabilities

Product Key Customer Benefits

Quality and Aesthetic Control... Interactive shape deformation allows users to easily adjust their designs in all areas of the digital modeling process, from early design feasibility and variant comparisons to specific requirements in die face design. The complete integrated benefits of the ISD portfolio and of the CATIA architecture allow associative and feature based modeling workflows to be extended to global operations.

Global Modeling.... interactive and dynamic global modeling surface and curve geometry. Upon definition of a topological area all modeling constraints, such as matching, and all features, such as fillets and flanges, will be automatically regenerated. This not only results in improved productivity and surface quality but ensures adherence to the initial design intent and any manufacturing constraints that have been taken into consideration. This type of workflow is of particular interest in the early design theme selection process, where new variants can be quickly modeled for review and decision making.

Global Features... as relevant to all feature modeling within the ICEM Shape Design portfolio, global operations can, at any time during the modeling process, be retrieved and regenerated using the initial parameters or modified by editing them.

Feature Modeling capabilities.... extended to global creation methods, providing the ability to mix a combination of freeform and global modeling with feature based operations.

Advanced Modeling capabilities... unique to the market, extended modeling capabilities addressing advanced requirements, such as styled complex fillets, automotive component gap creation etc..

Advanced Analysis Very often when developing complex surface designs, users are always checking at the geometry component level the accuracy and quality of the surfaces produced. However the task of analyzing at the Part level the component meets the correct design and engineering criteria is often left to other design departments or other applications. For some design analysis tasks this is no longer the case. Using advanced analysis capabilities users can analyze their components for Gaps and Levels to adjacent components, the flatness of a shape to ascertain potential manufacturing issues and the Head Impact analysis to meet Government legislation requirements;