CATIA V5-6R liefert Spitzenleistung

Mit diesem Release können Sie auf die Vorteile der Funktionalitäten der 3DEXPERIENCE Plattform in nahtloser Zusammenarbeit mit V5-6R zugreifen.


Die Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit in sozialen Netzwerken, das Unternehmensmanagement sowie die Dashboard-Funktionen der 3DEXPERIENCE Plattform können zur Unterstützung von Prozessen mit den V5-6R Werkzeugen eingesetzt werden.

To provide easy to use, Web-based Administration of ENOVIA VPM multi-site setup and replication package management.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

ENOVIA MULTISITE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION (SYA) provides easy to use, Web-based Administration tools for administering ENOVIA Multi-site systems.

A system administrator may use this product to define the sites and to setup replication packages that are exchanged on schedule between the sites.

Multisite support is crucial for realizing global virtual product development environment between the OEMs, remote sites, and their development partners. In the closest form of product development partnership, the partners and OEMs operates in a homogenous PLM environment where the partners share the responsibility for developing sections of a product. For instance, an aerospace OEM may own the development of the fuselage, while the partners are developing the landing gear, the engine, etc. Since product definition information is shared among many partners, each subset of product definition is regularly replicated between the OEM and the partners using partial replication capability that is provided by ENOVIA Multisite System Administration.

ENOVIA MULTISITE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION share the same user interface than VPM Web Navigator product, thus, it integrates seamlessly with others VPM Web-client applications.

Product Highlights

  • Quick Search and Advanced Access (Search, Create) are provided through Web interfaces.
  • Export and Import Multi-site Locations
  • Query, Read and Delete Replication Packages

Product Key Customer Benefits

VPM Lifecycle Administration user can specify Multi-site Locations in the web client versus current command-line tools. This product provides Query, Read and Delete of Replication packages; Customers creating replication packages in Classic VPM Product Editor client do not have a way to remove the packages. Providing this capability in R15 will add value to customer deployment of Multi-site Replication.

WEB based User Interface Brings P&O capabilities access from anywhere and not limited to UNIX workstation.

Ease ENOVIA VPM solution deployment Putting together multiple administration tasks all monitored with the same UI will facilitate the company deployment of ENOVIA VPM Lifecycle Products.

Easy navigation Thanks to the power of the Relationship Navigator User Interface component. ENOVIA VPM Lifecycle administrator can easily navigate P&O relationships.