CATIA V5-6R liefert Spitzenleistung

Mit diesem Release können Sie auf die Vorteile der Funktionalitäten der 3DEXPERIENCE Plattform in nahtloser Zusammenarbeit mit V5-6R zugreifen.


Die Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit in sozialen Netzwerken, das Unternehmensmanagement sowie die Dashboard-Funktionen der 3DEXPERIENCE Plattform können zur Unterstützung von Prozessen mit den V5-6R Werkzeugen eingesetzt werden.

Enable organizations to manage and streamline business processes, through automated workflow schemas that link together people, information, and processes. Improve organizational processes for achieving cost reduction and a shortened lifecycle. Contribute to improved product quality, through optimized business processes. Adhere to standard regulations, by formalizing and standardizing company business processes and the tracking history.
Product Overview
Product Highlights
Product Key Customer Benefits

Product Overview

SMARTEAM Workflow is a workflow automation and management solution that streamlines business processes and expedites engineering changes while harnessing expertise to optimize decision-making. WFL enables users to manage project workflow via embedded flowcharts, track project status, get alerts on almost-, and past due processes, proliferate process knowledge across the organization, by an automatic routing of work from one stage to the next. Users can initiate a workflow by choosing from a list of pre-defined engineering change processes (Engineering Change Process ECP, Engineering Change Request ECR, Engineering Change Notice ECN, Engineering Change Order - ECO) or easily custom-define additional workflow processes.

This product is available through the SMARTEAM Engineering (SEG) and SMARTEAM - FDA Compliance (SFA) configurations, or as an Add-on product to any SMARTEAM user configuration.

Product Highlights

  • Streamlines business workflow by linking people, information and processes together
  • Manages all enterprise workflow processes to shorten time-to-market and increase Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Comprised of four components:
- Flowchart Designer supports unique business processes
- Supports multi-level workflow capability, through embedded flowcharts
- Workflow termination mechanism
- Workflow Manager provides improved strategic decision making
- SmartBox keeps the work in motion
- Workflow Server drives and tracks all workflow processes used across


  • Assures smooth execution of processes by preventing delays with the alert mechanism
  • Optional: BOM change process management, through use of BOM WhiteBoard
  • Underlying logic to support process termination
- Allows users to end a workflow process, without performing all tasks
- Termination is controlled by easily-defined business rules
  • 64-bit certification

Product Key Customer Benefits

SMARTEAM Workflow reduces time to market by enabling users to:

  • Share information on line
  • Run processes in parallel when needed
  • Involve all related parties through an electronic process
  • Meet deadlines, through better control of the overall process

Reduce the time for Engineering Changes
Every manufacturer is required to undergo product change processes. Changes to new products take place at all stages like design, purchasing, tooling, and manufacturing. Changes to released products are also common upon customer feedback, field service requirements, new technologies, changing market needs, new regulations etc.

Improve Engineering Change process by:

  • Respond faster to customer requirements
  • Perform better analysis of the affect of a change (cost, engineering time, etc )

Eliminate errors and improve quality:

  • Paperless mode
  • Connecting to the PDM repository (latest revision ) - keep all parties coordinated within a highly secured environment
  • Meet ISO, FDA, and other industry requirements

Optimize resource utilization
SMARTEAM Workflow enables companies to monitor and identify bottlenecks by specifying a due date time for each task (node) and for the overall process.

  • With the Workflow Manager, managers can view which tasks are past due, review workflow status, and even make routing changes on-the-fly and resolve bottlenecks.
  • The new Alert Mechanism enables managers to periodically check past-due processes and nodes and send reminders to the responsible parties. The Workflow Manager provides statistical reports, showing the average time for all processes and allows advanced searches using any process attributes. This enables strategic decisions to be based on a global perspective of the company s work processes, both at any given moment and over time.

Reduction in overhead related to information distribution
  • Electronic distribution of the latest version of document. Automatically forwards all information upon completion of work on the previous step.