
Designing Impactful Innovation podcast - episode 5

TransPod designs and develops a new generation of ultra-high-speed ground transportation with 100% electric vactrain systems inspired by Hyperloop technology.

In this episode, Sébastien Gendron, co-founder and CEO of Canadian startup TransPod, and Iván Cabañas, EMEA Online Industry Process consultant at Dassault Systèmes, discuss the challenges of developing sustainable mobility alternatives. Learn more about TransPod and how the 3DEXPERIENCE platform supports the startups that are creating the transportation alternatives of tomorrow.

Advancing the Sustainable Mobility of Tomorrow

Meet our speakers

Transpod-Sebastian Gendron
Sébastien Gendron
Co-founder and CEO, TransPod
Iván Cabañas
Iván Cabañas
EMEA Online Industry Process Consultant, Dassault Systèmes

As we plan to build those infrastructures, we're going to emit carbon and we have to reduce that as much as we can by developing a local supply chain, making sure that steel tubes won't come from the other side of the world, and then trying to source it locally.

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Read the transcript

Clara : Hello and welcome to the Designing Impactful Innovation podcast. I’m your host, Clara and today I’m joined by Sébastien Gendron, co-founder and CEO of Canadian startup TransPod, and Iván Cabañas, EMEA Online Industry Process Consultant at Dassault Systèmes. Founded in 2015, TransPod designs and develops a new generation of ultra-high-speed ground transportation with vactrain systems capable of reaching 1,200 km per hour.

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